Heroes of Camelot Wiki


The chance of using a card's skill increases.

Position does not give a proc rate bonus, but the game goes in order when determining which skill is used.

  1. Game checks Card 1 for proc. If yes, it skips the rest and procs with Card 1. If no, it continues to Card 2.
  2. Game checks Card 2 for proc. If yes, it skips the rest and procs with Card 2. If no, it continues to Card 3.
  3. etc. etc. etc.

Effect on First Attack: After the first attack boost, the proc rate drops to 0%.

"Increase Proc Rate" combo effect is additive. For example, default proc rate of King's Guard is 15%. With the "Ancient Protector" combo, the proc rate is boosted to 40%.

For proc rate of a specific card, see the page of the card.

Skill Proc Booster Combos[]

Increase Skill Proc by 5% or More[]

Noobs BlessingsOfFate DesertGuardians FreeSpirits HeavenlyBodies KillersForHire PsalmSingers PureEvil

Increase Skill Proc by 10% or more[]

2013 All Stars Aerial Doom Battle Hardened Bloodletters DragonicAllies Draconic Bond ElementalUprising FrozenCore HollowHeaded Holy Words Idols Impenetrable Thicket Mercenaries Questing Knight Relentless Evil Rocky Resistance Theurgists TribalFury WarriorPoets WiseSages Young Blood

Increase Skill Proc by 15% or more[]

Battleborn Contract Killers Cunning Foes Gifted and Talented Mystics PharaohsVengeance

Increase Skill Proc by 20% or more[]

Ancient Protectors Finesse Fighters JackOfAllTrades MartialMusic

All items (86)
