Heroes of Camelot Wiki


The black knight is a literary stock character, often contrasted with the knight-errant. The character famously appeared in Arthurian literature and has been adapted and adopted by various authors, in cinema and popular culture. The character is sometimes associated with death.



Black Magic : Sacrifice HP of this card's team but greatly increase ATK.

(Unofficial) Skill calculated as:  30% * (current HP) = reduces HP of your team; 180% * (current ATK) = Raise ATK

Interesting Note:

The increase in attack using HP:

~57% * (current HP) = ~190% * (Lost HP)


Twin Knights Twin Knights : Chance to revive team with 10% HP upon death.

Generals Generals : Passive - Raise team's HP and ATK by 50%.

EnigmaticKnights Enigmatic Knights : Passive - Raise team's MAX HP by 150%.

BlackRiders Black Riders : Remove 90% of enemy team's current HP.

DeathFromAbove Death From Above  : When your team HP lower than 30%, increase 400% ATK.


Note : See Evolution Methods for clarification of Evolves

Evolve Tier 1 LV 40 (HP/ATK) Tier 2 LV 50 (HP/ATK) Tier 3 Lv 60 (HP/ATK) Tier 4 Lv 80 (HP/ATK)
8 Card Perfect 7681 / 2432 13198 / 4179 18823 / 5958 29733 / 9410
Evolve Tier 1 LV 42 (HP/ATK) Tier 2 LV 52 (HP/ATK) Tier 3 Lv 62 (HP/ATK) Tier 4 Lv 82 (HP/ATK)
Over-Leveled 8 Card Perfect (2 Levels) 7835 / 2481 13390 / 4241 19096 / 6047 30765 / 9739

4 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Speed 22062 / 6985
Enhanced Speed -
Efficient -

5 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
T3 PE + T1 Max -
T3 Max + T2 PE -

6 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Enhanced Speed -
Sub Perfect -
Sub Max -

7 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
T3 PE + T3 Max -

8 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Enhanced Speed -
Sub Max -

Photo Gallery[]
