Heroes of Camelot Wiki


An overgrown wild pig with extremely hard skin which can barely be pierced by arrows or spears. The wisest thing you can do if you watch this boar nearby is to run away (maybe except if your name is Obelix)


Thick Hides Thick Hides  : Passive - Reduce damage by 30%.

Wild Pack Wild Pack : Increase ATK by 20% when HP falls below 80%.

FeralPack Feral Pack : Passive - Reduce damage by 30%.


Note : See Evolution Methods for clarification of Evolves

4 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Speed 13942 / 4463
Enhanced Speed -
Efficient -

5 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
T3 PE + T1 Max -
T3 Max + T2 PE -

6 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Enhanced Speed -
Sub Perfect -
Sub Max -

7 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
T3 PE + T3 Max -

8 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Enhanced Speed -
Sub Max -

Photo Gallery[]
