Heroes of Camelot Wiki


A kumiho or gumiho (Korean: 구미호; Hanja: 九尾狐, literally "nine-tailed fox") is a creature that appears in the folktales on East Asia and legends of Korea. It is similar to the Chinese huli jing and the Japanese kitsune.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumiho


Moonlight Mantra : Reduce ATK of enemy party.


MoonlightVeil Moonlight Veil : Passive - Reduce damage by 50%


Note : See Evolution Methods for clarification of Evolves

Evolve Tier 1 LV 50 (HP/ATK) Tier 2 LV 60 (HP/ATK) Tier 3 Lv 70 (HP/ATK) Tier 4 Lv 90 (HP/ATK)
8 Card Perfect 17432 / 4603 27884 / 7380 36022 / 9520 59335 / 14591
Evolve Tier 1 LV 52 (HP/ATK) Tier 2 LV 62 (HP/ATK) Tier 3 Lv 72 (HP/ATK) Tier 4 Lv 92 (HP/ATK)
Over-Leveled 8 Card Perfect (2 Levels) - 28235/7471 - -

4 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Speed -
Enhanced Speed -
Efficient -

5 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
T3 PE + T1 Max -
T3 Max + T2 PE

6 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Enhanced Speed -
Sub Perfect -
Sub Max -

7 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
T3 PE + T3 Max -

8 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Enhanced Speed -
Sub Max -

Photo Gallery[]
